The Step-by-Step Guide to Grow Beautiful Flowers in Your Backyard

It is possible to grow flowers for cutting and create stunning bouquets.

Does this sound like you?

  • You've tried growing flowers before only to have them die.
  • The weeds grew faster than the flowers and you gave up.
  • You've always imagined a cutting garden but you don't know how to get started.
  • You tell yourself you have a "black" thumb because in the past you couldn't get anything to grow.
  • You're worried it will take too much time.
  • You're not sure what to do with all those flowers you might grow

I know how you feel...

  • There was a time when I longed for flowers but didn't know where to start. I wanted to grow flowers but there wasn't space in my yard and I didn't have a clue where to begin. But I began learning everything I could about growing a cutting garden. Overtime, I gained the knowledge and skills I needed. And I began to create garden areas for cutting flowers. I had flowers for bouquets for myself and to share with my friends. You too can grow a cutting garden!


The Ultimate Cutting Garden Guide

Your fail-proof guide to growing the best cut flower garden ever.

Why do you need a Cutting Garden?

There are so many reasons why you need a cutting garden. But having flowers to decorate your home and share with others, tops the list.

How to get started.

The Ultimate Cutting Garden Guide walks you through the steps you need to grow beautiful flowers this year.

Planting, growing and maintaining your garden.

I'll be with you each step of the way to show you what you need to get your flowers growing. And keep them growing.

What to do with all your flowers.

You'll learn how to harvest your flowers and easy ways to arrange your lovely floral stems. Plus we'll cover other ways to use your flowers.

A Bountiful Garden is Yours For the Picking!


  • Walking out to your garden and picking a fresh bouquet every morning.
  • The smile on your friend's face when she finds the surprise bouquet you left on her porch.
  • How energized you'll feel from working in your garden each day.
  • The feelings of joy you'll get from flowers that thrive instead of die.


Frequently Asked Questions...

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    When will I get my ebook? After purchasing you'll immediately receive the link to download The Ultimate Cutting Garden Guide.
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    What format will the ebook be in? The ebook is delivered as a pdf. You can read it on your computer, tablet or phone.
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    How long will the ebook be available? After you've downloaded the ebook, be sure to save it to your device. Once you do that it's yours forever!
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    How can I reach you if I have questions? You can email me at and I'll get back to you as quick as possible.

What Others Are Saying...


I finished the book and loved it! It's so easy to read, just like you are sitting there explaining it to me. I think the book will give confidence to people who are just beginning to grow a flower garden. Everything is explained in such clear order and broken down into easy steps. Thank you for sharing the book with me!


HI I'M...

I love growing flowers for myself, friends and family. I've been gardening for over 30 years and I want to share my gardening secrets with you. You can grow beautiful flowers and I want to show you how. Step-by-step you can learn to grow a cut flower garden.

The Ultimate Cutting Garden Guide is for you...

If You're Ready to Grow Amazing Flowers in Your Backyard!