How To Decorate Your Garden Using What You Already Have

Use what you already have available to decorate your garden for the season.

How To Decorate Your Garden Using What You Already Have

When the new season rolls around, do you run down to the craft store or garden center and purchase items to add to your garden decor? They have the latest and greatest on display and you can visualize that new container, pillow or chalkboard on your porch. But then you start to feel a little guilty because when you walk through your garden shed or garage you see last seasons new buys…and the season before that.

Stores make their displays so enticing and you can just envision how items would look in your own garden. But we begin to collect and we end up with so much stuff. It’s time to stop the madness and find ways to re-purpose what you already have. You don’t have to buy new. Instead shop your own storage areas to find attractive decor items. There are many benefits to decorate your garden using what you already have. Here are a few great reasons to shop your stash.

A bright red leaf garland can be re-purposed on a grapevine wreath.

3 Benefits Of Decorating Your Garden Using What You Already Have…

You can save some money

Money seems to get tighter all the time. And the prices at the stores keep going up. Even the sales items tend to be out-of-this-world prices. By using items you already have, you can save yourself some money. Before you run out shopping, dig through your storage areas to see what might work. Set aside money for a special item or two rather than a whole new season’s worth of decorations.

Let your creativity show

You might be thinking that you’ve already used these decorations and they’re old. Even if they’re a little worse-for-the-wear you might find new and creative ways to use your decor items. This is where you can get creative. Use the old leaf garland to make a new wreath. Or cut it up and tuck smaller pieces here and there. Decoupage a scraggly imitation pumpkin with decorative paper. Put the faded faux flowers in a surprise container such as an old lantern or birdbath. Freshen up an old tray with paint to use on your porch. Using old items in new ways is easy to do when you think outside the box.

Pumpkins and flowers on display in a bicycle basket.

Get your supplies organized

Part of the reason we often have difficulty using what we already have is because our supplies are a total mess. The autumn decorations are in boxes in the garden shed, the garage and the back bedroom. It’s easy to forget what’s available when it’s out of site. Now is the perfect opportunity to get your stash organized. As you start digging around, pull out everything that should be stored together. Get rid of items that you will absolutely not use. They can go to your local thrift store or you could pass them on to someone who’s just getting started gathering decorations.

"Clean Your Shed" Checklist

Sign up for Cottage Notes Email and get the started organizing your garden shed with this free checklist!

After you use your decorations for the season, try to pack all of the seasonal items together. Create a list of what you have stored in each box and where it’s stored. Next year things will be easier to find.

Related: How to Organize Your Garden ShedEarly Season Changes in The Autumn Garden

Use what you already have such as old garlands and chalkboard tray for autumn display.

How To Decorate Your Garden Using What You Already Have…

Get Inspired:

Pull out your favorite seasonal magazines or books to get some ideas. Magazines are a wealth of easy decor ideas. Or spend an afternoon looking through Pinterest to see what’s currently being pinned for the season. Jot down a few ideas that look appealing to you.

Set your garden table using items you already have on hand such as pumpkins and candles.

Plan your decorations:

Consider choosing a color scheme for the season. I would suggest picking two main colors with a third accent color. Even your garden decor can be color-coordinated. However, choose colors that are appropriate for the season. This way you will get a cohesive look on your porch and in the garden. Next, make a list of any items you’ll need to complete the look of the display.

Fill a vintage container with seasonal colors to use what you already have available.

Gather your supplies:

Spend an afternoon looking through your storage cabinets and boxes to see what you already have available. Look for any items from the list you created. You might not find exact matches, but do you have something similar? This is where creativity comes in to help you decorate your outdoor spaces. Also these items don’t have to be in-season items. You can use basic items to help make your vignettes attractive. Here are some ideas to get started:

  • Use fruit boxes to elevate your decor.
  • A stack of seasonal books could decorate a side table.
  • Fill a little wagon with flowers or produce to be used as a focal point.
  • Watering cans can hold fresh or dried flowers
  • An old ladder can be used to stack seasonal decor on.

Find a central location to lay out the items you want to use…your potting bench or outdoor table could work as a staging area. Having everything right in front of you can inspire new ideas.

Gather your supplies in one place to make decorating easy.

Where to decorate:

Start with the areas that are most visible to yourself and others. Your front porch is always a good place to begin decorating for the season. Then move on to your deck or patio. Add touches of decorations to your garden fence and trellis. Decorate your potting bench for the season. Tuck seasonal elements into corners along your garden pathways.

If this seems overwhelming to you, then just decorate one or two areas. Your front porch and back patio are the areas that are most visible so keep it simple and just start there.

Decorate for the season where you are likely to enjoy the display such as your patio and porch.

Guidelines for decorating:

Start with one area and set out your display items. Play around with your design. Some people make this process look so effortless to throw together a decorated porch or deck. But for many of us we have to work at it. Here are some decorating rules that you might find helpful:

  • Use an odd number of items such as three or five.
  • Include items of different heights such as some tall, medium and short items.
  • Add in different textures such as a smooth flowerpot and a nubbie blanket.
  • Avoid a lot of tiny items that look like clutter. Try to keep your display simple.
  • Add in some natural elements for the season. Try a vase of flowers, a bowl of nuts or a basket of pinecones. Use what’s available from your garden or backyard such as branches, pumpkins or grasses.

Set up simple displays of seasonal colors such as the orange pumpkin and rose hydrangeas.

Purchase a new item as a last resort:

Finally, is your display missing something like a plant or a pillow? If you absolutely can’t find an alternative, then purchase these items but look for special sales to help minimize costs. Again, if you can re-purpose something that would be great. For example, instead of buying new outdoor pillows each season, consider making covers to go over your pillows. You could purchase some seasonal outdoor fabric to make a simple pillow cover. Or use a damaged vintage tablecloth, old blanket, sweater or flannel shirt to cover the pillows you already have.

Do you need a new pot of flowers or a seasonal item that you can’t grow, such as a large-sized pumpkin. If you decide that you must have a new item or two then make it do double duty. For example, purchase a potted flower that you can plant in the ground when you’re done with it. Or buy the pumpkin for display now that you can use to make pumpkin pie filling when it’s time to clean up the porch for next season.

Spell out seasonal thoughts on your chalkboard.

Decorating for the seasons gives you a fresh perspective in your garden. Just like your home, you want your porch and outdoor spaces to reflect the seasonal changes. So take some time to determine the best areas to decorate. Then take a weekend to set your garden up for the new season. When you decorate your garden using what you already have, you can feel good about creating that new space with no guilt at all. And no side trip to the garden center or craft store needed.