Books in a basket with spring flowers.

As gardeners, we often need valuable information about our plants, the weather and pests. Many of us have become reliant on the quick access we have to garden information on the Internet. You can look up any topic you want and get an array of ideas. But what if you didn’t have that information readily available? And can you always trust everything you read on the Internet? Despite the easeRead More →

Seeds often need a time of cold or seed stratification to germinate.

Here’s a gardener’s nightmare… you purchase your beautiful flower seeds for the growing season. In the spring, you plant those seeds in the ground. And then you wait for the first little sprouts to pop up. You wait. And you wait. And you wait some more. Eventually, you realize nothing is going to grow. Why did your brand new seeds fail? Maybe the seeds needed a period of cold inRead More →

Harvest herbs from your garden to make this fresh herbal wreath.

Are you growing fresh herbs in your garden? Then consider creating a lovely fresh herbal wreath to hang in your kitchen. It will not only add some beauty to your decor, but every time you walk by, the wonderful fragrance will amaze you. Over time, the herbal wreath will dry out. Keep it as a decorative wreath or snip the dried herbs to use in your cooking when needed. YouRead More →

Sweet William in the kitchen garden.

Two years ago, a “freak” summer storm rumbled through our neighborhood. The winds were blowing hard, lightning was fast and furious and rain was pelting down. Then one of our incense cedars came crashing down. I was standing on our deck at the time and almost in slow motion I watched in horror as the tree toppled over. This massive 30 foot tree fell into our neighbor’s yard with anRead More →

Colandar of elderberries on a table.

I’ve talked about my love of gathering natural materials to use in my home decor.  Another thing that I like to do is forage for edibles.  I am not talking about eating plant stalks and roots.  I am talking about real foods like blackberries, apples and elderberries.  I use them to make delicious food such as Blackberry Syrup and Apple Crisp.  I gather the Elderberries each year to make aRead More →

Fresh herbs with scissors and twine.

Although we still have plenty of growing going on in the garden, it’s time to start preserving some of your herbs.  Just like I process the beans, berries, tomatoes and zucchini as the summer progresses, I like to harvest my herbs and preserve them a little at a time as well.  This way you won’t be overwhelmed at the end of the season with a massive job. Cooking with freshRead More →

Marinated vegetables on tray with jar in background.

Summer is the perfect time to explore new vegetables.   Whether you are growing them in your garden or selecting them at the farmer’s market there is such a wide variety of options available.  Marinated vegetables is one of my favorite ways to enjoy the garden abundance. You can use any type of vegetable for this side dish.  So try your favorites or add in something new.  You can make itRead More →

Woman wearing gloves with fresh vegetables in the box in her hands.

You’ve been waiting and waiting for that garden to grow.  You planted and fertilized and watered and now you are finally seeing the results of your hard work.  Slowly the produce starts to ripen and you are enjoying the “fruits of your labor”  But then something happens.  The fruits and vegetables start to ripen more rapidly and all at once you have a massive amount of produce to handle.  HowRead More →

Salad and tomatoes drizzled with homemde vinaigrette

As the garden season heats up the leafy greens are growing.  If you are eating more luscious salads this summer you need some type of dressing for them.  A homemade vinaigrette is the perfect topping for your salads. Most store bought dressings are loaded with sugar and unwanted chemicals.  By making your own dressing you can create healthy, delicious options. All it takes are a few ingredients from your pantryRead More →

Several bags of frozen vegetables ready for the freezer

It won’t be long before our gardens will be overflowing with produce.  Or we’ll be visiting the Farmer’s Market and find a great buy on corn.  The fruit trees will be laden with ripe fruit and the raspberries ripen all at once.  The abundance of fruits, vegetables and herbs during the summer is one of the blessings of living in an agricultural area. Once the harvest season starts you needRead More →