School is winding down, vacations are scheduled and the days are definitely getting longer.  As summer rolls around we begin to spend more time outdoors in our yards and gardens.  We have company over more often and many times these get-togethers will occur on the spur of the moment.  Here are some tips for easy summer entertaining to make your summer life less stressful. 6 Tips for Easy Summer Entertaining…Read More →

Picnic basket with scale, vase and wreath.

I remember my first vintage basket purchase. It was found at a yard sale over 10 years ago. I’ve always been drawn to baskets, but this was my first vintage find. It’s been a love affair ever since. I’m especially fond of the 50’s and 60’s wicker style baskets. Many vintage baskets have a wooden, hinged lid. Some have pull out inserts, while others have wooden stands for separating layers.Read More →

May Day is coming soon.  Do you celebrate this holiday each year?  This is a time to celebrate spring and to look forward to the warmer months of summer.  It’s also a great time to surprise your friends with a May Day gift. May Day festivities are a part of many cultures.  Parades, may poles, bonfires and dancing are ways people celebrate world wide.  In the US, May Day celebrations oftenRead More →

White birthday cake with one candle and a pink flower.

When I started blogging last year, I knew nothing about how to blog.  It took me 4 weeks to send my first post because of fear.  But I overcame that fear and hit publish.  And I have continued to hit publish.  Today, I am celebrating 1 year at Pinecone Cottage Retreat! The past year was amazingly full.  Here is a list of some of the major things that occurred inRead More →

Getting more sunlight is a good way to cope with the winter blues

As the end of January rolls around, many of us struggle with a little bit of the Winter Blues.  How do you know if you are experiencing the winter blues?  Are you struggling to get up in the morning?  Do you feel tired throughout the day?  Do you just not look forward to any activities?  Are you constantly filling up on sweets and refined carbohydrates?  Do your thoughts focus onRead More →

Merry Christmas from Pinecone Cottage

Welcome! I have been working on decorating Pinecone Cottage for the holiday season.  I am using it as a place to craft Christmas wreaths and ornaments.  So it’s been a regular Santa’s Workshop.  It is also a wonderful place to stash my gifts.  My family does not think to look here to see what I have bought for them.  Come on in and see all of the touches I haveRead More →

Alarm Clocks

Time, we all have the same amount each day.  However it seems like there is never enough to get all the things done that we need to do.  Between our homes and jobs the days just fly by.  Instead I would like to make more time each day to putter in the garden, to craft, to read or to bake.  I want to wake up each day looking forward toRead More →

Christmas Gift Giving

There are many traditions in our society that are becoming a lost art.  One such tradition is to bring a hostess gift when you are invited over by friends and family.  I am a firm believer that we should always take a small gift to say “Thank You” for them opening their home to us.  Hostess gifts do not need to be expensive but they should reflect the season andRead More →

Christmas Season and gifts

The mad rush is on! With only a short time left until Christmas, it’s time to get shopping. I really love the autumn months and I try to just focus on one holiday and season at a time. But now that November is here, it’s time to focus on the Christmas season. And shopping for gifts is one of the most time-consuming parts of this season. I always want theRead More →

Be Grateful

Thanksgiving always feels like a lost holiday to me. That’s because it’s sandwiched between Halloween and Christmas.  It seems like we’re just starting to come out of our sugar high and “bam” we’re hit with Black Friday and Christmas shopping madness. There is something so wonderful about Thanksgiving that we often miss. This holiday gives us the opportunity to focus on all of our blessings. I find that the moreRead More →